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Fly me! by Merle Wilkening | 2nd December, 2022 | Lifestyle

Climb aboard, take off and fly almost noiselessly from A to B: Could this be the face of tomorrow’s urban mobility? Thanks to the VoloCity from German aviation company Volocopter, what sounds like a utopia could soon become reality. The air taxi can whisk two people through the skies above global megacities at speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour. Its futuristic, fuss-free design features 18 rotors powered by nine rechargeable batteries, making it fully electric, emission-free and four times quieter than a small helicopter. Eight years after its founding, Volocopter conducted the first crewed public test flight of an air taxi over Singapore’s Marina Bay in 2019. Developed in accordance with the rigorous aviation standards and requirements of the European Aviation Safety Agency, the air taxi is well on track to meet the company’s ambitious timeframe for its commercial launch: It aims to bring the VoloCity to market by 2024, in time for the Olympic Games in Paris.

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